
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Post Derpy Day


              So i came up with a really cool idea to try and save Derpy. Tomorrow, we should all go onto various sites, and post pictures and videos of Derpy in all her cross eyed glory. We can post them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Blogger, Photobooth, Youtube, Deviantart, Flicker, Yahoo, ETC. This will be sure to get Hasbro's attention, and let them know just how much it means to us to keep Derpy the way she is meant to be. For my part i will be posting pictures on every site i am on, brony related or not.

              One idea to add is that with some of the pictures and especially the videos, we should add commentary or something with Derpy saying stuff like "Haters Gonna Hate, and Derpy's Gonna Derp", or "Yes Im Cross Eyed, Deal with it", ETC. That will be sure to get our message across nice and clear.
Also check out these other sites doing there part to save Derpy

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