
Friday, February 24, 2012

Ponies More Addicting then Drugs?


                         Hey everypony, so you may or may not have seen the thing Fox news did on bronies, where they mentioned alot of things that ponies are supposedly more addicting then. The list included Drug's, Achohole, Sex, internet Porn, Cars, Harry Potter, Chocolate, caffeine, Starbucks Coffee, and many others. Wow that's alot of things, just goes to show how big and powerful the show and it's community really is. Oh and i found out that the whole Ask Blog thing on Google+ (or Pony+) has turned more into this big fantasy thing where we pretend we are the character's from the show living there daily lives. It's fun, yesterday Discord decided to cause alot of chaos, and i maybe decided to send Diamond Tiara to the moon :D.

We could use some more people on there including somepony to bee Apple bloom, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Lyra and Bon Bon, Spike, and some various other background ponies. Come join us if you want.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that's certainly reason enough to join Google+ if you're going to be there :D. But honestly, yeah, ponies have hypnotized me to be dedicated to them. Soon they will take over the world! Not that I'm complaining.
