
Monday, February 27, 2012

Increasing Male Character's


               Hey everypony, anypony else notice that there has been an increase in male character's in the My Little Pony series? First it was just Spike and Big Mac, but now we also have Mr Cake, Soarin, Braeburn, Doctor Hooves, Prince Blueblood, Cranky Donkey, Colbert, Carmel, and a few others. I think they decided that since most the audience for the show is male they needed more characters to be male, and that is cool that they decided to do that. Some of them have even been given increased speaking lines and air time. Mr Cake got lots of time in baby cakes, Big Mac recently got his air time in Hearts and Hooves day, and the other character's have made various brief appearances throughout the show.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm happy they're doing that. I especially like that one stallion who is "strangely obsessed with tubs of jelly".
