
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Changing Derpy


                        Hey everypony, so some of you may or may not have heard of all the controversy surrounding Derpy Hooves lately. Apparently some people got annoyed at the fact the Hasbro made Derpy cross eyed and constantly making mistakes, they complained that it was poking fun at mentally retarded people or those that are not normal. Ok first off NOBODY is normal. Normal does not exist, if someone was "normal" then there must be something medically wrong with them. Everyone is different in there own special way, it's what makes us unique and should not be anything to be ashamed of or shunned by society if they don't feel it fits the social norm. Secondly because they thought Derpy was abnormal they forced Hasbro to change her because she did not fit the social norm for cartoon characters. Oh that's a wonderful message to put out, if you don't fit what we perceive to be normal we must change you and force you to be what we want you to be instead of yourself. Seriously Hasbro change her back and we will all help fight off any lawsuit's that may come against you. I can promise you that.

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