
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Post Derpy Day


              So i came up with a really cool idea to try and save Derpy. Tomorrow, we should all go onto various sites, and post pictures and videos of Derpy in all her cross eyed glory. We can post them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Blogger, Photobooth, Youtube, Deviantart, Flicker, Yahoo, ETC. This will be sure to get Hasbro's attention, and let them know just how much it means to us to keep Derpy the way she is meant to be. For my part i will be posting pictures on every site i am on, brony related or not.

              One idea to add is that with some of the pictures and especially the videos, we should add commentary or something with Derpy saying stuff like "Haters Gonna Hate, and Derpy's Gonna Derp", or "Yes Im Cross Eyed, Deal with it", ETC. That will be sure to get our message across nice and clear.
Also check out these other sites doing there part to save Derpy

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Up Coming Fluttershy Episode


                                  Hey everypony, so it has been leaked over the pony net that there is going to be another Fluttershy episode soon. About time in my opinion, we really haven't seen her get an episode since "Green Isn't Your Color". I don't know much about what the episode entails, but it probably involves either Fluttershy getting her self head deep into trouble, or losing it again just like the next Twilight episode is going to be. Personally i am hopping for another Fluttershy losing it. The first time was hilarious.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Increasing Male Character's


               Hey everypony, anypony else notice that there has been an increase in male character's in the My Little Pony series? First it was just Spike and Big Mac, but now we also have Mr Cake, Soarin, Braeburn, Doctor Hooves, Prince Blueblood, Cranky Donkey, Colbert, Carmel, and a few others. I think they decided that since most the audience for the show is male they needed more characters to be male, and that is cool that they decided to do that. Some of them have even been given increased speaking lines and air time. Mr Cake got lots of time in baby cakes, Big Mac recently got his air time in Hearts and Hooves day, and the other character's have made various brief appearances throughout the show.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Changing Derpy


                        Hey everypony, so some of you may or may not have heard of all the controversy surrounding Derpy Hooves lately. Apparently some people got annoyed at the fact the Hasbro made Derpy cross eyed and constantly making mistakes, they complained that it was poking fun at mentally retarded people or those that are not normal. Ok first off NOBODY is normal. Normal does not exist, if someone was "normal" then there must be something medically wrong with them. Everyone is different in there own special way, it's what makes us unique and should not be anything to be ashamed of or shunned by society if they don't feel it fits the social norm. Secondly because they thought Derpy was abnormal they forced Hasbro to change her because she did not fit the social norm for cartoon characters. Oh that's a wonderful message to put out, if you don't fit what we perceive to be normal we must change you and force you to be what we want you to be instead of yourself. Seriously Hasbro change her back and we will all help fight off any lawsuit's that may come against you. I can promise you that.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Ponyless Saturday


                   So apparently there is no new episode today, which means no episode review. Therefore here is a picture of the main cast and some background ponies as fillies being adorable to make up for the lack of ponies.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ponies More Addicting then Drugs?


                         Hey everypony, so you may or may not have seen the thing Fox news did on bronies, where they mentioned alot of things that ponies are supposedly more addicting then. The list included Drug's, Achohole, Sex, internet Porn, Cars, Harry Potter, Chocolate, caffeine, Starbucks Coffee, and many others. Wow that's alot of things, just goes to show how big and powerful the show and it's community really is. Oh and i found out that the whole Ask Blog thing on Google+ (or Pony+) has turned more into this big fantasy thing where we pretend we are the character's from the show living there daily lives. It's fun, yesterday Discord decided to cause alot of chaos, and i maybe decided to send Diamond Tiara to the moon :D.

We could use some more people on there including somepony to bee Apple bloom, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, Lyra and Bon Bon, Spike, and some various other background ponies. Come join us if you want.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

More Fan Art

              Hey everypony, So Digging around Pony+ i find some great fan artwork. Check them out below.


                                   No idea what this is, but it looks awesome. Is that a Pokemon next to Fluttershy?                                

DAAAAAW, Cloud you are so fluffy.

Pinkie Pie with wings? Were Doomed.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ask Sweetie Belle


                 Hey everypony, have you heard of these neat things called ask blogs? It's where you create a character and have people ask you questions, and then you answer them as that character. Everypony seems to be doing them so i thought i would give it a try. I created one for Sweetie Belle on Google+, here is the link
Go there and ask her questions.

Season 3


                         Hey everypony, so season 3 has been officially confirmed by nopony other then Lauren Faust herself on Deviantart. Yes she has a Deviantart, her name on there is firefly. Anyway for those of you who have been dreading the end of season 2 this should give you a bit of relief. Also in other good news i am working on a YT channel for posting little MLP animations and videos. Currently just waiting on other people to team up with since i don't want to do this one alone. I would like somepony or ponies who are good in the field of animation, Video Editing, and Drawing. I plan to handle the Creative (not saying that anypony who joins can't put in there own ideas of stuff to put up), and Music part.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pinkies Adventure


                          Hey everypony, so while browsing the wonderful realm of Google+ (or as we call it Pony+) i found this here video done by Superphyguy, on youtube. Its a little animation about Pinkie Pie's love of Chocolate and Sweets. Really fits her as well and the Voice Acting is spot on. Keep sending in those submissions ponies :D

Monday, February 20, 2012

Brushy Hooves


                       Howdy everypony, this here is an OC pony submitted by Nathaniel Oak. The ponies name is Brushy Hooves, and is a relative of Derpy, The Doctor, aaaaaaaand Santa Hooves. Wow that is quite a family tree. Nice drawing as well, did it just like the ponies in the show.                                              

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Posting Submissions Open


                        Hey everypony, so i am going to be opening submissions for not only Artwork but also anything news worthy or interesting you may find on the internet that you want posted on here. Fanfics and Comics are also open for submission. There are a few guidelines and i have them all in the submissions page above. As well as the email to forward all submissions to. So why submit to here when you can submit to EQD? Because unlike EQD i am more accepting with what i allow posted, and will accept anything that is not pornographic, or of a sexual nature. Yes that means i will allow Cupcakes material (something which i will probably end up regretting). So send in your submissions asap.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Friend In Deed


                                 Hey everypony, finally got back from work and watched the new episode, just what i needed after a long hard day. Anyway in this one Pinkie Pie tries to make a new friend with a new Donkey in Ponyville, but he does not seem to be as willing to be friends. So she decides to try to make him her friend at all cost. I think this really dives into Pinkie character and the fact that she is really reliant on her ability to make friends. Also her song at the beginning is epic :D

New Episode Later Today


                      hey everypony, so there is going to be a new episode today, but i have to wait to watch it and post a  review on it, till i get back from work. Oh well, gives me something to look forward to for the end of the day i guess. Until then have some Twilight being adorable.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wanna Learn to Draw Ponies?


               This is one of the videos i have been using to learn to draw ponies. Artist seem to be jumping out of the walls ever since My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic came out. I honestly don't think i would be this into drawing if it weren't for the show and the fandom that has been producing tons of great artwork on a daily basis.

Funny Luna Video


             Ha,ha,ha, typical sister's these two are. Nice animation done by whitehawkepunch.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Background Mane Six


                                        Hey everypony, so we all know who that the main cast are ussualy refereed to as the mane six, but did you know there is also the background mane six? There is , it is what we call the group of background ponies most known as used by the show and the brony community. It includes Lyra and Bon Bon, Doctor Hooves, DjPon-3, Octavia, and of course Derpy Hooves. Hasbro should make an episode where the background six has to take over for the mane six, or something where they all get an episode together.

Ponyville Music


                          Hey everypony, so after much discussion with friends from the brony community, i have decided to push photography and let's playing to the side for a while and focus on music. To that i have rearranged my pegasiwings YT channel and my blog Ponyville Gaming now Ponyville Music, and have already posted two music videos for the brony community. One of them even a original, yea.

                          I also picked up drawing as a hobby because i found it fun every time i tried it and i wanted to post more pony related stuff. The whole take still pics and add words just was not doing it for me, just not original or creative enough i guess. Anyway be sure to check out my YT channel, my Blog Ponyville Music, and if you have not seen it yet here is my Deviantart where i will be posting my various drawings and stuff

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ponyville, Philadelphia


                      Hey everypony, can you believe there is actually a place in Philadelphia called Ponyville? I am so moving there someday and building either a tree house library or a candy shop made with real candy :D

So Funny


This made me lol so hard :D

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Techno Scootaloo


                     I dont know why EQD refuses to put this up on there site, but i will. Techno Scootaloo :D

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day :D


               Happy Hearts and Hooves day everypony, I wish you all a wonderful day filled with lot's of great gifts and stuff. Well not all of us (myself included) may have a special somepony to share it with, we at least have friends to be around for this day, and for me that is good enough. Have a great day Everypony :D

Monday, February 13, 2012

Worlds Biggest Churro


                      Here is something interesting i found online, The worlds longest churro was made by Luis Caro and family as part of the Heritage Days Festival, Edmonton, Canada on 6 August 2000. The pastry measured 77 m (252.62 ft) in length and 30 kg (66.13 lb) in weight. Wow, imagine eating a whole churro of that size. Only Pinkie Pie :D

Celestia and Cream

Well no interesting news articles yet, so have some fan art for now :D

Sunday, February 12, 2012

For the Harry Potter Eggheads


                         Hey, any HP fans here who love to read fan fiction, here is a rather famous fanfic that inspired the creation of Check out the creators website here

Another crazy Twilight Episode?


                                       No i am not talking about that horrible series with the vampires, i am talking about one Twilight Sparkle rumored to "lose it" again in another episode coming up. This rumor has been posted on both Equestria Daily and Google+. I have no idea at the moment what is supposed to make her lose it but knowing Twilight it does not take much to push her off the edge :D, we will just have to wait and see i guess.

Hasbro and Zynga


                                So if you have not heard yet Hasbro has recently teamed up with Zynga, which is the gaming company behind a lot of the games on Facebook like Farmville, Petville, and so on. Some people are suspecting this is going to mean some ponyfied games on Facebook which might bring back Facebook's popularity for a little while. Google+ will still own it though. I can't wait to see what becomes of this recent pairing.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Correct Celestia

            This image should say it all. About time Hasbro :D

Theme song for my goals


            Yet another idea inspired by some kid on g+. This is the song that has been playing through my mind as i have been constructing my career goals. So i thought i would post it as sort of the theme song for my life journey:D

Short term/Long term goals

                                    Howdy everypony, so i thought i would post in writing my short and long term life goals i have right now. I got the idea from another blogger i have on my g+ circles.

Short Term:
-Keep current job and earn money for car, Ipod Touch, and future classes.
-Get Canterlot Weekly/Ponyville Gaming up to 1000 views with a bunch of comments
-Get at least 100 subscribers on my Let's Play channel
-Learn more about online business and Photography, as well as practice my photography.
-Work on a catch phrase or original mascot for both my blogs (reason for this will be in the long term goals).
- Get lots of hits and followers to both my blog's and my Let's plays.
- Get published as a Photographer in a minor photography magazine.

Long Term:
-Return to School to learn Photography and Online Business.
-Buy a domain for  Canterlot Weekly, and put adsence on it as well as Ponyville Gaming.
-create some kind of merchandise i can sell on the side with some kind of logo for extra income.
- Resign from present Job.
- Start Photography business doing Street and Stock Photographs.
-Get published in more known photography magazines.
-Get Canterlot Weekly fully operational as a Commercial Blog.
-Create other creative content for online viewers on various websites.

Pony Toys coming to McDonald's


                    Yep you heard that right, sometime around March pony toys are going to be returning to Micky D's for a limited time. So if you did not get them last time like me, now is your chance. Luckily for me i work near one so i am so getting one. For those who are to afraid to buy a happy meal by themselves here are some tips on how to do it.

1. Buy a big drink and a happy meal so it looks like yo are buying the happy meal for a younger sibling.
2. Buy two meals one of them being the happy meal for above reason.
3. Go with a friend who is also a brony so you are not doing this alone.
4. Just man up and ask for the happy meal or just the toy.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My Profile


                     So some of you may notice my profile for Blogger has changed on here to the same as the one for PonyvilleGaming. This is because one of the cons of Google Accounts is you can't have two accounts open at the same time. So i decided to integrate Canterlot Weekly into the Google account for Ponyville Gaming and PegasiWings.

S.A.D (Social Anxiety Disorder)


                           Hey everypony, time for another one of those deep meaning blog's that seem the most popular on here. I did a post before on how the Peanuts comic strip was centered around kids with various social issues including Social Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Being that i have both i thought it would be nice to share some of my experiences with them in order to help others who have them. Note: "This is in no way,shape, or form going to be a pity me post or something like that. I don't do that and i find people who do quit ridiculous. This is to help others, not just myself.

                         Anyway onto the actual topic. Many of you will note that i myself have a lot of stuff going on in regards to the internet. I spend much of my free time on there and for a reason. I feel so much more comfortable socializing with others online then in real life. When i meet someone i do not know very well in real life my first instinct i have in my brain is usually to find someway to get out of there, or avoid all unwanted attention (which would be almost any attention by those i am not familiar with). Online however it is quite different. Here i love talking with other people and have no reservations against meeting new people. I think it is because there is a computer screen or two between you and the other person so it is easier to not worry about being judged, but i am not a psychiatrist so don't quote me on that.

                           People with S.A.D typically like to be on there own most of the time. I myself can relate. I spend most of my free time behind my desktop computer either playing video games or going online. This has gotten more apparent over time as at first it was just to get away from strangers, then that list included my distant family members (Grandparents, Cousins, ETC) and now it also includes my closet family members (parents and sister). While i try to override it by setting time to do things with them like watching Phineas and Ferb, and Doctor Who with my Dad ans Sister, Drinking Coffee with my mother, and watching Mythbusters with all of them, i still feel very uncomfortable around them. Thou at least i feel more comfortable around them then around complete strangers like i am at work.

                             One problem that is accompanied many a time with S.A.D is OCD. If you have ever seen the TV show Monk or read the Peanuts comic strip then you have a good idea of what OCD is like. You have odd habits you can not control, you find it hard to get rid of old things, and you  have to have control over everything. Thus why i run this site solo. While i may not be as bad as Linus carrying around an old blanket where ever i go, i still have some old things from my early childhood i can't bring myself to get rid of.

                         Now while there is currently no cure for either of these there is a way to deal with them and live on. Many of us have found safe haven online, where we can socialize with out our problems getting in the way. Online at home jobs have also become a big plus, as well as online shopping. However at the same time it is important to get out on occasion and be with friends in real life. Thus why i have joined the music team in my church, and plan on doing Street Photography as well as Stock Photography and Blogging as a career. Hope you found this interesting and if you continue to like them i will continue to make more post like this in the future. Brony on.

Luna/Rainbow contest


                    Due to recent events Princess Luna is now right up there with Rainbow Dash as best pony on my list. Why, because she is So Awesome. So with this in mind i decided i had a great opportunity to start a contests on here. What i want you to do is vote for who should be the mascot for Canterlot Weekly (Nightmare Moon counts as well). Keep in mind that like EQD, i plan to change the banner every once in a while to keep it fresh, so don't vote purely based on the banner, but for who you think would represent this site more. You will have one week from today to decide.Have fun :D

More Art


                     Well i still have not received any art yet and i wanted something to post on here, so here is something i edited a while back. Hey even Fluttershy can't be nice all the time ;D

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hearts And Hooves day early release :D


                         Hey everypony, so if you have not heard yet hearts and hooves day was uploaded to I tunes early by Hasbro. It's not entirely sure yet whether it was by accident or on purpose but who cares. You can find it on youtube, the premise of this episode is it is heart's and hooves day and the cutie mark crusaders are determined to find Cherilee special somepony. Will they succeed or will it turn into utter cause. Watch to find out.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Very Luna Update


                          Hey everypony, i am enjoying my day off today and i have another on Fri. So as many of you might know if you saw some of the vlogging videos i did a while back, my speech and communications skills suck. So i have started doing Let's Plays with a brony attitude. Check it out here Also i decided to go ahead and start taking the plunge with my Photography business. To do that i have create blog/website, where i will be posting some stock and street photography, as well as critics, tips, and tricks in the field of photography. The site is here

                  This will of course be along side Canterlot Weekly, in which i also plan to incorporate into this as a form of advertisement for my photography business. So rest assured Canterlot Weekly will still be very much operational. Also for you gaming fanatics i created a blog for reuniting Brony Let's Players Yes i know what you are thinking that is a lot of stuff to cover, but since i plan on going into the internet business with my photographer, the more practice the better.

Mythbusters-Equestria EP2, Pinkamina Alcohol Pie

            So what happens when you mix Pinkie Pie with Alcohol? Read to find out.  

Hurr Durr Podcast

                         These podcast are just so addicting. So i'm just going to keep posting them :D if you have any you want me to post let me know.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Acoustic Brony

     Hey everypony, so while i know you have all heard of Mandopony, have you heard of AcousticBrony? He did a song with Mando a while back called Loyalty. Here i some of his original stuff below, check him out.

                                                          Pinkie Pie's Theme

                                                   Applejack's Theme

                                                Twilight's Theme

                                                   Fluttershy's Theme

                                              Rarity's Theme

                                                 Rainbow Dash's Theme


Monday, February 6, 2012

Wisdom from John Lennon

                                        "Time Enjoyed Wasting, Is Not Wasted Time"- John Lennon. Words to live by :D
                                Rest in peace John.

Brony radio


                                              Pony radio online. That makes sense right?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

ponies are awesome

                                          My name is rainbowshy and i approve this message      

more BeatleBrony

                                            Another great Pony Beatles parody, love Scoot's pic in this :D. If you have never heard of Beatle Brony or seen there stuff check them out on youtube.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Season 2 Episode 16


                   Howdy everypony, so i managed to watch this episode and get this post before work, so awesome. So it was a Rainbow Dash episode which makes it even better, and Rainbow Dash ends up in a hospital with nothing to do but read a book that seems to be a knock off of Indiana Jones. What will happen? Watch it to find out.

New Episode


                      New Episode today. Rumor is this one is going to be a Big Macintosh and Cherilee one. Hopefully i will be able to watch it before work today :D

Friday, February 3, 2012

Doctor Whoof's Theme


                         Lol another great pony crossover, Doctor Whoof's. I love the show Doctor Who and have watched it with my family since they restarted them a few years ago. Acoustic Brony appears to be a Brony Doctor Who fan as well judging by this cover he did. I love how he mixes both the Doctor Who theme and the MLP FIM theme together for it. It Rocks. Check it out.

schedule update


                                   Hey everypony, just got back from work. So i finally got my schedule but it is a rotation schedule. In other words it is constantly changing and never the same, but hey at least i now have a job. So what is going to happen is for now i will try and do post whenever i can, and in a few weeks or so (if i can manage it hopefully sooner) i am going to buy something like an iPod touch or something similar with online access, so i can get on and update on my breaks. I get three of them two 15 min ones and my hour lunch break. But until then i will at least try to get one post a day if not two. Also on my off days i will do a whole bunch of updates and post.

                            Also in regard to Mythbusters-Equestria, i am still going to continue it because it is so fun to do and people like it apparently. But instead of sticking to every Friday it is gong to be whenever i can, because with this rotating schedule it would be hard to keep to that. But i will still keep posting them, just it will be, much like the rest of my post, whenever i can. I am glad you guys liked the last one. It was really fun to make, and besides Rainbow Dash and Applejack (who will be the two main characters throught the series) i will be rotating between other ponies to help them, might even include OC ponies.

                             Sorry for this constant changing, hopefully things will change for the better once i am able to update on my breaks as well. I am looking into possible cheaper alternatives to the Ipod touch and if i can then i will take it and be able to update more often a whole lot sooner. If you have any suggestions i am all ears. What i would like is a small portable device, that can go online with access to Blogger, Youtube, and Google+, (not a cellphone).

Mythbusters-Equestria Ep 1


                     Howdy everypony. Here is the first Mythbusters-Equestria as i promised. I wrote it as a fan-fiction in screen play format because it seemed to work best. Send me more myth's to bust for the next one.Click on the link above for the episode.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

youtube update


                                       Howdy everypony. So after several weeks now of trouble with both my video camera and WMM neither of them seem to want to respond anymore. Luckily i recently got a microphone and i have manycam so i can do stuff with that on youtube. But for the most part i am sticking to using my blog because it is been less of a pain in the flank to use than youtube recently. Also don't get me started with their latest channel design >:()

                           Anyway on brighter news i finished the  Mythbusters-Equestria story and will have it uploaded before i leave for work in the morning. As for youtube i will just keep to using my mic and probably just for advertising since while i seem to have a knack for blogging, i just can't get my hooves around vlogging.

DSLR camera's VS Point and Shoot


                                Hey everypony, so this has been an on going argument among photographers both professional and student's. So i thought i would put my two bit's in on it. First off the quality of the photograph depends way mostly on the skill of the photographer himself then the camera he is using. Not saying you could take an award winning photo with a blurry webcam, but really if you have the know how and skill's and modern day 100 dollar P@S camera can take great pictures. To put it bluntly, if you give a complete pro a P@S and a complete amateur who has never taken a photo in his life the most expensive DSLR with the best and most expensive equipment money can buy. The pro with the P@S will still take the better picture.

                               Now yes i know DSLR's have alot of neat options that P@S dont have, and in some areas of photography i would have to agree they would be the best for it. But not all of them. For example if you are going to be doing sport's photography, Fashion Photography, or shooting for big name image magazines then yes a DSLR would be preferable. But if you are doing something like Street Photography (what i do), Event Photography, Candid Shot's, or shooting photo's for a professional website, then a simple P@S will do just fine. The main difference really is that the DSLR's have interchangeable lenses for different scenarios. So if you need to take a picture of a Lion you can change to a really long lens to get an upclose shot at a safe distance. However for doing stuff like Street you don't really need a huge lens. In fact the more incognito the camera is, the better.

                             Many of the pro's including Henry Cartier-Bresson, used film cameras that are about as professional as most $100 P@S camera's are today. So if they can do it we can. Most of the best photographs come from photographer's who have the most passion for what they do, not those with the biggest and noisiest camera's. So buy whichever camera you want, and if you get a P@S and have pro photographers going all Nightmare Moon on you for not paying millions of dollars for a heavier camera, ignore them.

Scootaloo is not a chicken


                 Seriously everypony Scoot's is not a chicken. She is a mutant flying hippopotamus from mars.:D

Work Time Update


                       Howdy everypony. Just recently got back from orientation. So i believe my hours are from 9:00 am till 6:30 pm, and form Mon thru Fri, but i am not completely sure. Might even be a rotation schedule, but i assume they will let us know tommorow. Oh and i work at a store that sells ponies, so if i see any great deals or interesting stuff i will post them here on my blog.

So You Think You're a Brony?


                                           Do you pony's like podcast? How about video podcast? Well here is one i found on youtube that is quite entertaining. It's hosted by usually 3 to 4 people and they also have guest on the show. They talk about news within the brony community, and then test the guest to see if they are a real Brony. So far i think only one pony has lost, but he was given some hard questions. They also take questions form viewers. Check them out.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Charlie Brown and Autism


                          Hey everyone. You remember the comic about that round headed kid with the dog who think's he is a world war 1 flying ace? Yea that one. I have always loved the snoopy comic's, and in recent years i have come to look at them in a new light then just an enjoyable family comic. Everyone loves a fictional character or character's they can relate to, and this comic really nails that in the head for a certain number of individuals.

                      Long story short, a couple of years ago my parents had me tested for Autism, though i did not pass it, it was only by a few points. So my parents go ahead and label me Autistic, while just say Social Anxiety. While researching the topic they found an article explaining the various similarities to the Charlie Brown characters and people with Autism, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder),  Asperger's Syndrome and more. Apparently Charlies Schultz's himself suffered from a form of Autism, and the comic strip was his way of sharing how he saw life, as well as the lives of other people with similar problems, using the various characters in the comic.

                     I personally relate best to both Charlie Brown and Linus. Well i am not completely Autistic like Charlie Brown i do relate many of his social problems he has, as for Linus he is what we will call OCD, which i also have (a common side problem to people with Social Anxiety Disorder and Autism). I also believe he is a little Autistic as well. My Little Pony also has some similar traits to some of it's characters. Such as Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. Twilight has symptoms of OCD and is very orderly, but when it comes to making friends she is completely lost and has no idea what to do. So of course when her mentor Princess Celestia sends her to make friends what does she do? Come up with excuses to be by herself most of the time while still obeying her mentor. As for Fluttershy, well her name kind of says it all. She is nervous around other ponies and scared to assert herself or speak up in large crowds.

                   This is just a little interesting new look at the snoopy comic strip i thought i would share. It has certainly changed my view of it's many interesting character's. Twilight and Fluttershy have also moved up in my fave pony list from this. Tell us which character from both the Snoopy comic and MLP FIM you relate to the most.

Pony Survey


                          Hey i found this neat little survey over at ObsessionIsMagic, and thought i would cross post it here. First take the personality test, and then once you have you answer go over to this chart and see which pony you are

You can also take it a step further and take this pony B-day survey

Post your results in the comments below. I got Sweetie Belle, which is cool since we are both creative and musical, and apparently i create battle clones of Scootaloo. Also dont make the same mistake i did, for the B-day one once you find your month you have to find the number of the day you were born, and that pony is the one you get. It has nothing to do with the colors, though i really wish the directions had been a bit more clear on that.

Student of Celestia


                             Greetings Fillies and Gentlecolt's. Well Mandopony has done it again. Another great pony music parody, this time with Greenday's "Jesus of Suburbia". Got to give a hoof (sorry Lyra) to all the bronies and pegasisters out there making all this great fan music and artwork. It never ceases to brighten my day. Check it out here