
Friday, August 17, 2012

Real Life 2 by My-Magic-Dream


So we got some Traditional Art to review for a change, whatever next? This is Real Life 2 as created by My-Magic-Dream Check after the break for more.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ask Blog's

Howdy everypony. So i will soon be including ask blogs into my reviews since many people are interested in them. Of course they will mostly be the MLP ones but if you have an MLP one that is interesting, then i may review them.

Art of the Dress by ATRYL


More Rarity artwork this time by ATRYL , what can i say he does interesting drawings. As always review after the break

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Princess Luna by ATRYL

And here we are with another art critique, this one is Princess Luna done by ATRYL on DA, Take a look at the review after the break

Purity by PkLove-Chan

Ok so before i start this critique i figured i should explain the new path i have for Canterlot Weekly. Before this was a news site thing, however with both EQD and OIM taking care of that it's kind of been done to the ground.. Thus probably why my site was not getting much traffic since it was technically the same old thing. So i have decided to dedicate this blog to Art critiques being that Artwork has been a passion of mine for sometime. Anyway this is a piece done by PkLove-Chan on DeviantART view after the break for the critique.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Back and Running


Hey everypony, so after a good long hiatus I've returned with a brand new Laptop computer. I have been needing a newer computer from my old desktop for a while now, and after recent issues i finally broke down and bought this nice Laptop from Walmart for about $200. Anyway i will be doing some changes to the site and will be back to posting ASAP.

Monday, June 11, 2012

MLP Season 3 is on the way!!!!!

Yep so Season 3 is on it's way, they began production back in Febuary and will finish all 13 episodes by August. Probably looking at it starting by late August early September i'd say. Now like i said there will only be 13 episodes according the the latest sources from Hasbro (hopefully subject to change) and some are worrying that this is an indicator that production of MLP may be slowing down. However i doubt this is the case

A. It as of the end of season 2 became one of the top rated shows on Netflix and it still has a massive following going on for it.
B. There are plenty of other reasons they could be shortening it.

Personally i am hoping the reason for only 13 episodes is that they might be already in production of a move for MLP, but i have yet to hear anything from Hasbro as to the official reason. But in any case season 3 is on it's way, and we should be back to watching new pony episodes in no time.

Friday, June 8, 2012



Hey guy's, ever wanted a quick directory to every Brony social network site online? Well i'm on the process of making one. It's called the BronySocialDirectory, still on the process of being built but i already have two sites on there, might be adding a third before day's end. If you see any you know of that is not there yet feel free to comment either below this post or on the Directory's comment section.

Pony Music Roundup

This was a very catchy little tune, reminds me of Pinkie Smile Song from A Friend In Deed.

Here we have a more bluesy song about everyone's favorite Rainbow Pegasis. Cheer up Rainbow, i'm sure Pinkie Pie can think of some way to turn that frown upside down.

Last but certainly not least we have a lullaby for Spike. I do agree that at times it's hard to remember Spike is a baby dragon, this kind of bring's that back to life in a way.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Equestria Terminal

Hey everypony, so i'd like to welcome and introduce a new website into the STABLE affiliation called Equestria Terminal. They are a fan site posting lot's of interesting pony content such as music, games, fanfics, episodes, ETC. Be sure to check them out using the link provided, or by clicking on the banner. Also as always, if anyone else has a site they wish to join our affiliation, go to ObsessionIsMagic and talk with TheLordofDust for more info.

Past 3000?

Hey everypony, so apparently were up past at 3000 views now. Quite surprising with how little comments there are on each of my post, but still pleasing non the less. I'm glad everypony is enjoying what ive been doing :D

Also i am still searching for local Brony meetup's in my area to go to, but so far non have showed up. If anyone has or know's of one in the Dallas/Fort Worth area feel free to notify me to i can put it up on here. We need more brony meetup's in the South.      

Monday, May 28, 2012

Power Puff Girls Z


     So you all remember the old cartoon Power Puff Girls right? Well now there is an anime version of it, who would of guessed. Now of course while it to some degree stays true with the old cartoon, it mostly varies off and is quit alot different from the show we are used to. They kept many of the character's from the original cartoon, but also added some new ones. The first few episodes are not the best but after you get a bit more into the 1st season it get's better. Over all i give it a 7 out of 10, and i would recommend it to those who like anime and loved the original Power Puff Girls cartoon back in the 90's.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Art Roundup 5-22-2012

Well it's time for another art round up, here we go (Mario pun intended).

Daww gotta love the CMC's right? Definitely a realistic depiction of her.

The textures here are amazing, not to mention the originality of Rainbow's ears. I always enjoy it when someone does there own variation of the ponies rather then just going by how they were originally drawn.

Simple but well drawn, any art with Rainbow in it is always 20% cooler.

             LOL, gotta love Twi and here addiction to magic and learning. Also anyone who can draw Twi's library without going crazy has my respect, especially with those books.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Morning Art Roundup...... again

Eeeeyup time for some more Artwork i found online, granted there is so much that it is impossible to get it all. But i can try to get as much as i can.

        These depictions of Unicorn horns are really catchy, almost like them better then the original.

 So Jykinturah from G+ and Deviantart offered to make sketches of profile pics for his friends, these are just a few that were done. The dude with the hood looks similar to Scootaloo, maybe they are related?

  Rainbow Dash as an Alicorn and a frightened Twilight Sparkle. You think she would be used to them by now after being with Celestia and Cadence most her life?

                                         And Last but not least we have blank flank Twilight and Filly Dash, she is so adorable as a filly.                                                

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Angry Ponies


          Hey have you guys heard of the new Angry Ponies video game? It's been on EQD for a while now and it seems like a really fun game. There are a few known glitches still such as some people tried to play it and got only the regular Angry Birds, but it's still in beta. Once it get's all the kinks out i am sure it will be a great success.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Music Roundup

Yep another music roundup for you brony musician lovers out there. Got some pretty neat mixes in here as well.





Friday, April 27, 2012

Morning Music Roundup

It's time for another Brony Music roundup, here we go


Thursday, April 26, 2012



     Hey everypony, so i was recently contacted by the folks over at BronyMusicDirectory and they wish to try and create a network for Brony Music sites. For there part they have a link to my site, and for mine i will be linking to there site on this post and on the side bar. Don't forget to go check them out, as well as the other many amazing sites they have linked there.                                                                       

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

End of season blues

Well it is that time of year again where we must forego without pony episodes cor a while. So it is time to get your creative side going and make pony fan stuff like crazy. Dont forget you can send any fan stuff my way if you want it posted somewhere.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Over 2000 Page Views!!!!!!!


                            Ok so just after making my last post i realize i had gotten over 2000 page views. Wooo Hooo. Thanks to all my followers and everypony who views and comments on my post, you all rock.

Lego My Little Pony Officially in production


              Hey everypony, so the makers of the highly anticipated My Little Pony Lego game have been asking for people to help create ideas for character's and  buildings, and so far have gotten a great amount of response from MLP and Lego fans. However there is still a lot of work to be done so please continue contributing if you have or if you have thought about it. Things they need are ideas for buildings (Sugercube Corner, Twilight's Library, ETC) and the characters (Mane six and background). No official word has been made at least to my knowledge as to when the game will be released. Along with this they will no doubt make Lego figurines of our favorite ponies, which is sure fire to bring out all the Lego collectors.

           Also on a completely unrelated note, we as you know are on the final two episodes of season 2, the first part coming out tomorrow. After this is done there will be no episodes for while, which means a huge host of fan made content will be made to keep us occupied just like the last time. Therefore if any of you plan on making any fanfics, fan art, or any other fan related content, feel free to send it my way when it is done so i can get it out there to others. For official rules on submitting go to my FAQ page found in the top bar.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Google+ new layout


                   Hey everypony, so Google plus for a while now has been a huge social networking site for bronies, so much so that it has been nicknamed Pony+ but most of it's users. Recently P+ has gotten a huge update making it similar to Facebook, this updates include a profile setup similar to Facebook's timeline, having everything in the stream more closer together, and most of the option in he stream being moved over to the left rather then the right. This has cause at least two major complaints from it's users about the change
1. It's too much like Facebook which is what we are trying to escape form by using P+.
2. There is now a whole lot of white space in the stream.

                A few plugins have been added to help with the white space problem and most people are getting over the similar to FB thing. Though there is still a lot to get used to. Now whenever a huge site gets an update (P+ and Youtube for some great examples) it is common practice for it's users to go all Nightmare moon on the site for it's creators to dare make any changes to a site they created. While most of the time we just complain for a short while and then get over it, sometimes it last way too long. My point being, get over the whole P+ change already, complaining aint going to fix it.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pony Video Roundup

   Well sadly there is no new episode today and i have to go to work soon, but before i do have some pony videos to make up for the lack of pony episode.





Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Brony Music Roundup





Friday, April 6, 2012

TV Pigs


     Greetings again everypony. If you have not heard of or seen TV Pigs yet, i would advise you to check them out once you are done reading this. It is a youtube show where they do comedy sketches on politics, interest stories, world problems and more. They also use well known political and entertainment figures such as Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Sarah Palin, and others.

    As the name would suggest the entire cast is played by animated pigs, and they give very interesting personalities to the people they impersonate. They have a youtube channel and there own website which i will post below, the show has been running for quit some time now and has gained much success and a  massive following since it began. If you are really into satire slap stick animation comedy, i would highly advise you to check it out.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Return of SYTYAB


                Hey everypony, that's right. Sonicman0121's hit series So You Think Your a Brony is back on schedule, so far with three new episodes out already. For those of you who do not know what this is, SYTYAB is sort of a MLP talk/game show think done on youtube, where they get guest on there and ask them three questions to determine whether or not they are a brony. I believe they now also have Super Brony and Regular Brony levels. They do news stuff, audience questions, and i believe emails as well. Be sure to check them out on youtube.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Coffee and Updates


              Hey everypony, so i know i have not been on here much so i figured i should probably explain why. This has been for a couple of reasons.
1. My internet on my computer has been a royal pain in the flank the last few weeks, though it seems to be better now. I think it is just getting used to the warmer weather since it did this last year as well, and yes while i do have my vita i am still working out how to post pictures and what not online with it.
2. My schedule has been mostly 2nd shift so that really has me disoriented a bit. Plus ive been having a hard time finding stuff to put up here during the morning in my free time since most people are already at work or school and not posting. So ive had a bit of an idea drought if you will. Hopefully that will change now that i have more contacts with similar schedules.

        So that's why ive been not posting alot, now in other news as we all know the summer is coming up, which mean no MLP FIM episodes for a few month. While this is sad it also mean like last year there is going to be a huge surge of brony meet ups and events going on, which ups the chance of one happening in my area. Well that and the fact that i should have enough money saved up for a used car by at least sometime next month  if not the end of this month. So i will try to go to as many brony events as i can this summer and get some more material for Canterlot Weekly.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Morning Art Post

Hello everypony, here is some more artwork from the pages of Pony+.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Blindbag Ponies Chart


                  Hey everypony, so there have been some new blind bag ponies made and thus we need an updated versions of the chart with all there names on it. Luckily somepony has already done just that. Below is the link to see all the pony identification numbers and names.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Art Roundup

 Hey everypony, got another Art Roundup for you from the page of Pony+.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack/Episode Review


                 Hey everypony, so i have 2 days off now and i am beginning to feel a bit better, so i thought i would make another post on here after being gone a while. Ive got a lot to cover so let's get started.

Review-Dragon Quest

      So the next episode came out on Saturday and it was a Spike one. In this episode Spike and the Mane Six are watching the great Dragon Migration when Rainbow Dash and the others begin playfully teasing him about not being a real Dragon. Infuriated and wanting answers he decides to follow the Dragon Migration to find out what it truly means to be a Dragon. While he is there he decides to hang out with some teenage Dragons who mock him and decide to test his Dragoness, which he eventually proves, and then tries to get him to steal some Phoenix Eggs. Luckily Spike in the end refuses to destroy the one egg they capture and is saved by Rainbow Dash Twilight and Rarity who decided to follow him to make sure he was safe. All in all a fairly good episode, Rarity is still being a tease on Spike which is made worse by the fact that in The Secrete of my Excess he admitted his feelings to her and she admitted she knew about them, so either she is flirting with him or just playing with him.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Morning Art Roundup

Hey everypony, got some more fan art for you this morning. All of these were done by Artist Jykinturah Sparkle on Deviantart.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Season 3 update

Hey everypony, so season 3 is apparently going to be a bit shorter then season 2. Of course season 2 was suppose to be shorter then season 1 but it already surpassed it by a few episodes. So who knows how short or long it will actually be. Meantime we still have a few episodes of season 2 left so let's not get all upset about the end of the season yet, and just enjoy the rest of the episodes that we do have.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Next episode synposis

So we got another Pinkie Pie episode in the horizon. In this one Pinkie is guarding a cake while on a train and it get's stolen. Now she is on a mission to find out who did it. Will it be one of her friends? OR will an old enemy come back into play? Also League Of Amazing Bronies is coming along well, i think i may have out done Canterlot Weekly with this one. Check it out in my previous post.

League Of Amazing Bronies

Hey everyone, so i recently created a sort of online community group if you will for the Brony community. What this is, is a place for bronies to come together and share things as well as meet other bronies and get updates on meet-ups and stuff. Also it's a way to share my website making abilities with my folks since i can't share Canterlot Weekly with them. Check it out here


                  So it seems now that every where you go, you will find MLP merchandise. Mostly online but ti is becoming more popular offline as well. Know what this means? It means that My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is now waaaaaaay more popular then Pokemon ever was. Now if only they could make a movie of it, though they will probably wait until at least after the 3rd of 4th season, which is probably a good idea. That way we will have turned at least half the human population into Bronies by the time it comes out, the movie theater's had better plan on adding more chairs and room to there theaters :D

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pinkie Polka Piano Cover


          So it is apparently possible to play Pinkie's Parasprite Polka on the piano. Ive got to learn to play this sometime.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Update 3-13-2012


                             Ok so a few changes have been made around my youtube and my Blog. Reason being is i have decided to just come out to my family that i am a brony and i wish to show them my youtube TheChangingLeaves. However due to OIM and PonyvilleNightly having Mature Content on their blogs (which they are perfectly within there right's to do) i don't wish to show them Canterlot Weekly, being that it is associated with them,and may give my folks some wrong impressions on why i like the show. So this site has been officially un-associated with my youtube and it's Google account (Google +,Google Email, ETC). I will still be continuing with Canterlot Weekly, just in secret from my folks.

Music Applications of PS Vita


                So here is a short video i did to show off the music player capabilities of the Sony PS Vita. I will show off more features of the device as i grow more familiar with them, this is to help others who may be having trouble deciding whether or not to buy this item.

Fan-dub's and Voice overs

                     Hey everypony, so ever since the MLP cartoon first came out there have been alot of fan dub's and voice overs done on youtube. Some of them are spot on sounding almost exactly like the actual characters themselves, and others sound a bit different but add in there own unique personality to the character. Here are just a few that i found on youtube.





Sunday, March 11, 2012



                     Well i tried to get online while at work but while it claimed i was connected to ATNT it could not go online. Going to work on this over my day off.

Funny Pinkie Pie (Colt)


Here is a funny video i found online, Pinkie Pie being corrupted by Discord as a colt. I forget the official name for he male counterpart but i think it's Barry Bubbles or something.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's about time review


                    Hey everypony, so i finally got back from work and was able to watch the new episode. All i can really say is it was So Awesome. Future Twilight looked really really weird, if there are not a lot of fan-art's done of her future self i will be really disappointed. Also Spikes complete wariness of Twilight's worrying was hilarious to watch. All in all i give it an 11 out of 10 (yes i can do that, i'm the boss around here).

Also i was able to get a PSVista today which means as soon as i can get the internet set up on it i will be able to blog while i am away from my computer. Which means more frequent post from me. Can't wait to get started on that, i will do a review of the system if yall want after i have played around with it abit.

Update 3-10-2012


So sadly i missed the stream and the episode does not air on youtube until after i will have left for work. So my review of the show will have to wait till later. Until then have some Twilight being a BOSS.      


Here is a funny little Pinkie Pie music video i found on Pony+. New Episode today. Sadly after this we just have the 2 part finale and that's it. Well don't you worry i plan to post plenty of pony stuff on here to fullfill everypony's pony addiction.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pinkie Pie Madness


You can never get enough of this song. Always makes me feel better.

You can never have enough Pinkie in you life, so have some more :D

I think by far the best song done yet in the whole series. Really shows off Pinkies character.

And of course how could we leave this out. Pinkie Pie Foreveeeeeeeeeeeer.



So apparently Tara Strong, the VA for Twilight Sparkle and Timmy Turner in the Fairly Odd Parents, has been trolling playfully with the bronies again. This is a song she did where she calls herself Twilight-Licious. The animations were added on by someone else. Also gotta love Twi's face in this, and the troll face she is holding.

Early Morning Roundup

                 Hey everypony, it's early in the morning so i thought i would post a few fan artwork that has been floating around Pony+ lately. Enjoy.  Most of these were drawn by Jykinturah, check him out on DA.                          

 Fluttershy with a cannon? I wonder who she shot?

 Pony warriors going into battle. I think the one in the bandanna is Rainbow Dash.

 Daaaaaw, nice little OC spin off of Luna. I'm guessing her talent is caring for animals or giving Bear hugs.

   And finally Twilight climbing a tree with one of our friends from Pony+ drawn at the top.