
Monday, April 2, 2012

Coffee and Updates


              Hey everypony, so i know i have not been on here much so i figured i should probably explain why. This has been for a couple of reasons.
1. My internet on my computer has been a royal pain in the flank the last few weeks, though it seems to be better now. I think it is just getting used to the warmer weather since it did this last year as well, and yes while i do have my vita i am still working out how to post pictures and what not online with it.
2. My schedule has been mostly 2nd shift so that really has me disoriented a bit. Plus ive been having a hard time finding stuff to put up here during the morning in my free time since most people are already at work or school and not posting. So ive had a bit of an idea drought if you will. Hopefully that will change now that i have more contacts with similar schedules.

        So that's why ive been not posting alot, now in other news as we all know the summer is coming up, which mean no MLP FIM episodes for a few month. While this is sad it also mean like last year there is going to be a huge surge of brony meet ups and events going on, which ups the chance of one happening in my area. Well that and the fact that i should have enough money saved up for a used car by at least sometime next month  if not the end of this month. So i will try to go to as many brony events as i can this summer and get some more material for Canterlot Weekly.


  1. Life can make things difficult sometimes, don't worry about not posting much. I'm here for ya, and I look forward to the things you may post in the summer. =)

  2. I hear ya on the no Bronies in your area. No one seems to think that having a convention in the South is worthwhile apparently. SouthCarloinaCon would be perfect right about now.
