
Friday, April 27, 2012

Morning Music Roundup

It's time for another Brony Music roundup, here we go


Thursday, April 26, 2012



     Hey everypony, so i was recently contacted by the folks over at BronyMusicDirectory and they wish to try and create a network for Brony Music sites. For there part they have a link to my site, and for mine i will be linking to there site on this post and on the side bar. Don't forget to go check them out, as well as the other many amazing sites they have linked there.                                                                       

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

End of season blues

Well it is that time of year again where we must forego without pony episodes cor a while. So it is time to get your creative side going and make pony fan stuff like crazy. Dont forget you can send any fan stuff my way if you want it posted somewhere.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Over 2000 Page Views!!!!!!!


                            Ok so just after making my last post i realize i had gotten over 2000 page views. Wooo Hooo. Thanks to all my followers and everypony who views and comments on my post, you all rock.

Lego My Little Pony Officially in production


              Hey everypony, so the makers of the highly anticipated My Little Pony Lego game have been asking for people to help create ideas for character's and  buildings, and so far have gotten a great amount of response from MLP and Lego fans. However there is still a lot of work to be done so please continue contributing if you have or if you have thought about it. Things they need are ideas for buildings (Sugercube Corner, Twilight's Library, ETC) and the characters (Mane six and background). No official word has been made at least to my knowledge as to when the game will be released. Along with this they will no doubt make Lego figurines of our favorite ponies, which is sure fire to bring out all the Lego collectors.

           Also on a completely unrelated note, we as you know are on the final two episodes of season 2, the first part coming out tomorrow. After this is done there will be no episodes for while, which means a huge host of fan made content will be made to keep us occupied just like the last time. Therefore if any of you plan on making any fanfics, fan art, or any other fan related content, feel free to send it my way when it is done so i can get it out there to others. For official rules on submitting go to my FAQ page found in the top bar.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Google+ new layout


                   Hey everypony, so Google plus for a while now has been a huge social networking site for bronies, so much so that it has been nicknamed Pony+ but most of it's users. Recently P+ has gotten a huge update making it similar to Facebook, this updates include a profile setup similar to Facebook's timeline, having everything in the stream more closer together, and most of the option in he stream being moved over to the left rather then the right. This has cause at least two major complaints from it's users about the change
1. It's too much like Facebook which is what we are trying to escape form by using P+.
2. There is now a whole lot of white space in the stream.

                A few plugins have been added to help with the white space problem and most people are getting over the similar to FB thing. Though there is still a lot to get used to. Now whenever a huge site gets an update (P+ and Youtube for some great examples) it is common practice for it's users to go all Nightmare moon on the site for it's creators to dare make any changes to a site they created. While most of the time we just complain for a short while and then get over it, sometimes it last way too long. My point being, get over the whole P+ change already, complaining aint going to fix it.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pony Video Roundup

   Well sadly there is no new episode today and i have to go to work soon, but before i do have some pony videos to make up for the lack of pony episode.





Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Brony Music Roundup





Friday, April 6, 2012

TV Pigs


     Greetings again everypony. If you have not heard of or seen TV Pigs yet, i would advise you to check them out once you are done reading this. It is a youtube show where they do comedy sketches on politics, interest stories, world problems and more. They also use well known political and entertainment figures such as Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Sarah Palin, and others.

    As the name would suggest the entire cast is played by animated pigs, and they give very interesting personalities to the people they impersonate. They have a youtube channel and there own website which i will post below, the show has been running for quit some time now and has gained much success and a  massive following since it began. If you are really into satire slap stick animation comedy, i would highly advise you to check it out.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Return of SYTYAB


                Hey everypony, that's right. Sonicman0121's hit series So You Think Your a Brony is back on schedule, so far with three new episodes out already. For those of you who do not know what this is, SYTYAB is sort of a MLP talk/game show think done on youtube, where they get guest on there and ask them three questions to determine whether or not they are a brony. I believe they now also have Super Brony and Regular Brony levels. They do news stuff, audience questions, and i believe emails as well. Be sure to check them out on youtube.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Coffee and Updates


              Hey everypony, so i know i have not been on here much so i figured i should probably explain why. This has been for a couple of reasons.
1. My internet on my computer has been a royal pain in the flank the last few weeks, though it seems to be better now. I think it is just getting used to the warmer weather since it did this last year as well, and yes while i do have my vita i am still working out how to post pictures and what not online with it.
2. My schedule has been mostly 2nd shift so that really has me disoriented a bit. Plus ive been having a hard time finding stuff to put up here during the morning in my free time since most people are already at work or school and not posting. So ive had a bit of an idea drought if you will. Hopefully that will change now that i have more contacts with similar schedules.

        So that's why ive been not posting alot, now in other news as we all know the summer is coming up, which mean no MLP FIM episodes for a few month. While this is sad it also mean like last year there is going to be a huge surge of brony meet ups and events going on, which ups the chance of one happening in my area. Well that and the fact that i should have enough money saved up for a used car by at least sometime next month  if not the end of this month. So i will try to go to as many brony events as i can this summer and get some more material for Canterlot Weekly.