
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Short term/Long term goals

                                    Howdy everypony, so i thought i would post in writing my short and long term life goals i have right now. I got the idea from another blogger i have on my g+ circles.

Short Term:
-Keep current job and earn money for car, Ipod Touch, and future classes.
-Get Canterlot Weekly/Ponyville Gaming up to 1000 views with a bunch of comments
-Get at least 100 subscribers on my Let's Play channel
-Learn more about online business and Photography, as well as practice my photography.
-Work on a catch phrase or original mascot for both my blogs (reason for this will be in the long term goals).
- Get lots of hits and followers to both my blog's and my Let's plays.
- Get published as a Photographer in a minor photography magazine.

Long Term:
-Return to School to learn Photography and Online Business.
-Buy a domain for  Canterlot Weekly, and put adsence on it as well as Ponyville Gaming.
-create some kind of merchandise i can sell on the side with some kind of logo for extra income.
- Resign from present Job.
- Start Photography business doing Street and Stock Photographs.
-Get published in more known photography magazines.
-Get Canterlot Weekly fully operational as a Commercial Blog.
-Create other creative content for online viewers on various websites.

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