
Friday, February 3, 2012

Mythbusters-Equestria Ep 1


                     Howdy everypony. Here is the first Mythbusters-Equestria as i promised. I wrote it as a fan-fiction in screen play format because it seemed to work best. Send me more myth's to bust for the next one.Click on the link above for the episode.


  1. Nice, I really enjoyed that. Sure, there were some punctuation errors and whatnot, but who needs to nitpick that much? Overall, very entertaining. I loved RD's fixation on explosions, lol. Sadly, I still can't think of any myth for you to test, unless you want to do "Sweetie Belle is a Dictionary" as a followup. Of course, that would probably involve a glaring lack of C4. =P

  2. You should definitely end each episode with what Pinkie Pie said. and I think I have a suggestion, based on this week's episode. Is Rainbow Dash indestructable?

    1. Well i think the resent episode already busted that one, but it does give me an idea for something similar i can do for a future episode. This next one is going to be Pinkie Pie and Alcohol :D more specificly what happens if you mix the two together.
